From my first blog post about how I got pregnant and what I felt etc, I think most of you can glean what I went through but I just wanted to list down some of the major/common thingys I had just so it's easier for new moms out there:
- Butterflies in the tummy (probably hormones tickling the stomach/uterus lining)
- Wind in the tummy (cos I didn't know how much to eat and when to eat - basically eat whenever you feel you MIGHT be hungry and know your frequency - I knew I had to eat approx every 2 hours and never get caught without food - like in a traffic jam....always have some biscuits at hand and try not to drink too much if you don't have access to a toilet cos you need to gooooooooo)
- Not having much of an appetite and not being able to eat very much at all.
- Increased urination
- Backpain (I had to shift around alot when I was driving but this could also be because I have a history of lower back pain)
- Throwing up (nothing to do with the normal nausea, which I didn't have much of, but I always threw up when I brushed my tongue and sometimes felt like it when I just brushed my teeth - try not to think about it but it's difficult to quell once the feeling has taken over your tummy and twisted it into knots - really that is what it feels like)
- Not liking fish anymore and char kuay teow which are usually some of my favourite food. Until now, I don't really like fish so I take extra supplements so the baby has enough DHA etc. I also cannot take much spiciness anymore.
- Not much temperamental moodiness - due to a very supportive husband and support unit like my in-laws and family
- Anxiety about the baby, about changes to my life and our marriage.
- Boobs increasing in size.
- Not too much in terms of cravings but I did note an increase in preference for ice-cream and coke.
- Not really tired/sleepy.
- Advised not to exercise yet due to the fragility of the foetus in the first 3 months.
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