Friday, September 3, 2010

My First Favourite Baby Brand - The First Years

Like I said in my last post, I had been having such a worrying time trying to find 'The First Years' brands anywhere else but at Metrojaya. Well, I found them again - online! At the and I believe BabyJaya (physical store at Damansara Utama) also has them! But BBstore has a wider range - the only downside is that I won't be actually able to hold the items and touch them and try them know like how it feels in the hand and such.

myBBstore is having a sale now in conjunction with the Mega Sale and I hope they have it again at year end and then I can buy some stuff for baby!!!!!! Obviously if I breastfeed I won't be needing so many bottles (I think) and I just love their stuff - seems really well thought out like the handsfree baby safe gate and the bath tub, though a friend did advise me that if the 'hump' in the tub was removable, it would be easier for toddler to use. I also like the side bolsters which keep baby in place - yeah, it's just as easy to use 2 actual individual bolsters but....this one won't move! They are attached with a supposed great air flow mat underneath! Hehhehehehee..... The swaddle blanket also looks nice cos it has open legs - the ones I've usually seen has a pocket where the baby slides into it and then is wrapped up - I can understand the logic of that in that the baby is completely secure and doesn't slip out, doesn't kick out of the swaddle blanket but then in Malaysia - ummmmm.....just think the baby might be cooking in his own juices! :)

Well, I am a first time mum - don't know much about what is good or not for the baby. Just trying to see what catches my eye and what seems to make sense. Must get Ju Han in on this cos he always thinks of things I completely miss out! .

By the way, for those of you who are interested, BabyJaya has a gift registry - you know like wedding registries. Seems like a great idea cos people need to know what to buy you especially since this is such a personal venture....kinda like a housewarming gift - you wonder what the hosts colour schemes are like, what kind of decor they have etc.....But as usual, I think maybe for the Asian mentality - it still seems a bit much! I used to hate it when I saw wedding invitations with an attached pink card that thanks the guests for the gifts. Have you seen those? Or remember them? Yeah, I thought it was presumptous!

Diverted! Diverted! Ok, like I said in the title - this is my first fave baby brand - maybe I'll still come across others I like better....but somehow, the first time I laid eyes on it - the look, the feel, the products they produce just give me the impression that these people really thought about what a new mum and baby needs and the items look classy, colours are elegant and mmmm.....just nice lah. HHahahhahahaha For example - I really didn't like the NUK baby bottle look with the cartoon coloured animal cartoons all haphazardly strewn on it. MAM bottles look nice too but not best breast complementary and Avent, what can I say, ....BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!