Friday, October 29, 2010

Advertisement: SUCKER WANTED!

My cousin who works in paediatrics advised that after the baby has finished feeding/suckling - the breast ought to feel much lighter as it is now devoid of milk. If not, then it is imperative that the 'leftover' milk is pumped out. Otherwise, the mum runs the risk of engorgement of the breast which is hard and painful.

She then advised that the best help could come from our very own husbands - their job would be to suck out the remaining milk. When I told Ju Han about this, he pooh-poohed me and accused me of making the whole story up just to check if he was listening. So, since Ju Han does not seem to demonstrate any inclination towards helping out with the sucking - I am now resorting to advertising for Suckers!

So, SUCKERS wanted! Only good-looking men need apply. And please note, there will be no monetary payment involved.

Thank you.


Zoop said...

Muahahaha.....just pump it out ler....and u must change breast when feeding as not satu besar satu kecik...lmao

Errolyn said...

Think the sucker is a better pleasure than the pumper - hahahhahahha.....I don't know actually - is a man on the breast fun during breastfeeding or just plain painful??? :)

Satu besar satu kecik OMG! You crack me up!