Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
My heart's trying to get away from me!
by Errolyn
Again, I freak out about how near the wedding is - barely 2 weeks! It's madness, even now I can feel my heart starting to race as I think about it!
So far, our recent efforts have been to 'settle' the restaurant, the wedding favours, the flowers, the deco, the songs and music. And we still need to determine the seating which is probably the hardest part of all! I am nervous. Ooooohhhh, my heart is pounding so hard! I just want it to be a happy time with family and friends. AHHHHHH!!!!!!! I wonder if everyone feels like this.
We've also been rather stressed out with our short honeymoon - we finally decided on where to go but JUST YESTERDAY the prices went up and that reallllllllyyyy got my goose! STUPID AIR ASIA!!!!!!! We are supposed to have our long honeymoon at the end of the year and also had a couple of locations in mind but seeing as Ju Han needs to decide when he can take off work, that's kinda in limbo now….
Oh yeah, we also confirmed that we're getting our photos on 25 Feb - AHHHHH!! (that's a happy AHHH) I am sure they are going to look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Errolyn at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
This one's for the guys!
by Errolyn
This one is for the guys. I just added a site for the most romantic proposals as submitted by readers….I read a couple that were just normal but some guys out there had great ideas!
Some of you will note that I've not put up my own proposal scene. Well, needless to say it was great - we had elements in it that were important to both of us - good food, cool weather and the most gorgeous diamond ring! Hhehehehehehehe…..He even proposed with a tie in to something that had happened in our past - mmmmm…mmm…
Posted by Errolyn at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My PRECIOUS - a cleaning tip
by Errolyn
A little tip for those of you who wear your bling bling diamond solitaire everyday or as a jewellery shop assistant called it - rough use - then you'd realise pretty soon that you need to clean your diamond pretty often.
Someone said a cleaning every alternate day is required. However, from experience, I would say a weekly wash should suffice. I just use a little sauce bowl, add hand soap diluted with water and soak me precious. Apparently 10-15 mins should be enough to bring back the shine but the last time I did it, I kinda forgot about it until 2 hours later. Thank god the ring hadn't dissolved!
To be really thorough, use a soft bristled toothbrush and brush gently around the prongs to loosen debris. Rinse and carefully pat dry. Wah-la! Shiny as new!
Posted by Errolyn at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
by Errolyn
My sis gave me a Shiseido Bio-Performance pack that is supposed to make me gorgeous in 2 weeks. I have to start it this Sat. Hehehehehee.e.e..sweet ole Sis!
Posted by Errolyn at 2:53 PM 1 comments
by Errolyn
Ok, well, it's like 2 weeks to the wedding and I am scarily calm. I think…. Yesterday 1 wrote about 4 weepy emails to my girlfriends wondering what to do about aspects of our wedding dinner and lamenting about the myriad of things that could go wrong. I also sent 1, just one, SOS email to Ju Han - at work. Now you know it was bad…..but the sweetheart called me and reassured me, he reminded me why we were doing the dinner and what was great about it. So I ….ummm…well, I tried to get less agitated.
It's only 2 more weeks, meaning effectively there are only 4 days to complete preparations for the wedding. Saturday, Sunday, Saturday and Sunday. We still have to order the wedding favours, collect them, talk to the restaurateur and finalise many many details, detail work duty for those helping us - driver, usher, reception, angpow person (apparently…??!!!???), plan and book the honeymoon, worry about seating the many wonderful friends who are coming, worry if they will like the venue and food, worry if our itinerary is good enough, refine the itinerary, fear the temperaments of various pieces of electronic equipment which usually fail when you need them the most and of course remind myself at least once during the dinner, to enjoy myself, besides other things of course.
I'm so scared. I am seriously scared. I am not having sleepless nights anymore, and my skin isn't bad (cross fingers) but there just seems to be so much to do and I am afraid I can't do them all. Do all brides feel like this? I was just telling a colleague that if I can get stressed out (me being a really easy going bride) then I wonder what the 'plan it down to the T, 13 months ago' bride goes through.
I am SURE every bride goes through this because a dinner is basically more than just a celebration of a marriage. It is where the bride lays herself bare (those without a wedding planner of course - like moi) and actually enables so many people to criticise her, her taste, her style, her planning, you name it. So, knowing that, the game is now to either let that affect me, or to tell myself, I can't please everyone - myself, my husband, my mum, his mum, that cranky old auntie sitting in the corner. So either, I just pick myself up, put on my thick face and enjoy myself or I turn Bridezilla and rampage at poor ole' hubby.
(Now, I must elect a few friends to read that paragraph back to me whenever I am getting frazzled on the day. )
I just read on the internet that we must plan to seat 105% of our RSVP because apparently people turn up. Yup, so, don't be too anal like me and expect RSVPs by the due date and that the numbers will be exact. I was naïve. I should make the theme of the wedding - CHANGE is CONSTANT! HHehehehehahaaha.
But really, I just want to sit down and enjoy the wedding and being with people I care about - my friends are flying all the way from around the world, Ju Han's as well, friends from past workplaces - it will be good to see them again. I only wish I could invite everyone I know and have everyone come but I know that not having some friends around during the dinner doesn't mean they aren't important to me and v.v.
We have a lot to do, period; but we better just have fun and enjoy the ride. Because at the end of the day, doing anything else would just not be worth it!
Aiyaks, just thought of some other stuff - pick up the outfits, deco the car, order flowers, get nails done, worry about the tea set for the tea ceremony, let others scare me about muggers going after my wedding gold and angpows….what else…I am SURE I am missing lots out - I will find out what they are on the day I guess. Heheahehahahaahaha…..
So far, I have finalised some items with my Make Up Artist Joan - she's been nice and helpful and my photographer Lucas who understands what we want for scenes from the wedding. Mmmm…..
I put up a new site for Handy Help - 'what to expect on your wedding day' was a good thing to read and will now go on to '15 financial issues we need to discuss'.
Posted by Errolyn at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
How do you choose a Bridal House?
by Errolyn
Well, first of all, you kinda visit a few around town - just a few cos mind you, if you wanna go all out, it could very well kill you or at least fry your brain cells enough to turn you into a shivery idiot who goes around town mumbling - "Give me 12 more shots in exchange for the fresh flower bouquet....."
Remember to choose somewhere close to home cos you WILL be visiting them over and over again. So far, I count 1 (canvassing), 2 (sign up), 3 (gown try outs and alteration), 4 (gown trying to ensure they fit), 5 (photo taking), 6 (choosing photos - SIX hours), 7 (check out album design and layout), 8 (choose actual day gowns), 9 (pick up actual day gowns), 10 (deck out the wedding car in decorations), 11 (return gowns). We've cleverly merged 7 and 8 and hopefully I can again merge 9 and 10 but most probably not. So buyer beware - and try not to choose one in a area full of traffic!
Then ensure you can speak the same language as the employees there and that they can understand your vision and can provide you with enough choice in terms of gowns, photo styles, bouquets, car deco......
I had to look through a book of about 30 bouquet styles to choose my fresh flower bouquet. The car deco was easier - there were only 2 to pick from but only 1 obvious choice - for each Ju Han and myself. Hahahahahah - I don't know how we're going to do this marriage thing - we ALWAYS INEVITABLY make different choices - except I guess, apparently, for the important stuff.
I fell back on my original KIV bridal gown and evening gown this past Sunday. Not that we didn't see anything good in this our second time of looking for Actual Day dresses but we didn't see anything BETTER than our original choices - guess it means our first instincts were right. SO HAPPY.
Our album design layout was GORGEOUS by Ah San. So far, I have nothing to complain about. Bridal Concept in SS2 is just about perfect!
They've given us great gowns, great photos, great service todate, great choices for photo frames, album covers. We haven't gotten the CHEAPEST deal but we did get quality for the price we paid and in the end, that is important! The people there are happy - so far I've not seen a surly employee or unhappy clients in our MANY times there though Ju Han was a bit upset at one of the girls who kept coming out to disrupt our photography session by referring questions to our photographer.
It's been great so far and I look forward to our AMAZING pictures! They aren't over the top but they most surely aren't shabby either. They make us look like us!
Posted by Errolyn at 6:06 PM 0 comments
I Feel Like I'm Flying
by Errolyn
My husband picked me up twice in the last two days and whirled me around and around. I felt like I was flying. I could just let go and leave myself in his capable arms, knowing that he would keep me safe and never drop me. I let my head fall back and my arms twirled while my legs splayed out like a little child.
I don't remember if anyone else has ever done that for me before but it felt good when Ju Han did it.
Posted by Errolyn at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
by Errolyn The Bride and Bridesmaid - Janice!
Ooooh, we went and DID IT! DID IT I tell you!
Ju Han and I are now legally married in the eyes of the law! On 30 Jan 2009 at 8.30am we were married in front of Deputy Director Pn. Banu in Putrajaya.
We were the first couple of the day and it seemed so easy! Ju Han and I both went in our own cars because we had to ferry our respective families over. He left his place at 6.15am(!!!!) while I left at 6.30am and we both arrived probably within 5 mins of each other. There was already 1 man ahead of us in line - he came alone…
At 7.30am, the shutters rolled up and Mr Alone, Ju Han and I walked in. Mr Alone went to ask the blur blur government guy what to do, where to get the number while my hubby waltzed up to the number spewing machine and got the FIRST NUMBER OF THE DAY!
I was standing nearby and thinking if I should be nice and polite and ask Ju Han to offer Mr Alone the first number since he was ahead of us…..but my 'left shoulder' whispered it would be nice to be the first couple of the day. Hehehheee…
We sat around for a bit because proceedings weren't supposed to start until 8am. The families talked to one another and Janice was our official photographer….Oh by the way, I lost my diamond earring at one point. So there were 7 Tans walking around bent over looking for it. Thank goodness we found it - even though at one point I did think it was a good opportunity to get a BIGGER set! Muah ha ha ah ah ha!
At 8.05am, mum and sis strolled off to the ladies and I rushed after them to hurry it up cos they could start calling our names at any time now! I came back and bingo - they were calling for us! It was crazy! We were animated, crazy, nervous, I was teary-eyed at one point when she asked us to swear that we'd be monogamous - well she didn't say monogamous …. Hehhehahaha….. to each other and she reminded us (in the sumpah) that to practise bigamy was an OFFENCE UNDER THE LAW!!!!
Ju Han said "I Do, Definitely" and chastised me with a murmured, "So soft" when I whispered "Yes, I do too". And then we exchanged rings and kissed and she left us in the room for a good 10-15 mins to take pictures. It was madness! We finished off the morning with a buffet breakfast at IOI Marriot Putrajaya.
Lots of friends have asked if we feel different - well, if anything our answers differ. I don't feel much different - perhaps I just haven't come to a realisation yet that I am no longer the single, carefree girl. That I am a MARRIED woman in the eyes of the law! That from now on, people could refer to me as Mrs. Instead of Miss. That there are now 3 Mr and Mrs Tans in the families!
Last night I spoke with Ju Han and only then did it dawn on me that I am tied to this man for life - his wife! Forever! AHHAHAHAHAHAHHHH Hhehehehehehe….OH.MY.GOSH! The Bride
All Done - Mr and Mrs Tan Ju Han
Posted by Errolyn at 3:02 PM 0 comments