Tuesday, November 30, 2010


18 weeks
22 weeks

26 weeks

30 weeks

33 weeks (ok will try to take another one where I'm turned the other way around!!!)

Oooh, btw, baby has turned down since 32 weeks.

Baby Fair at MidValley 26-28 Nov

OOoh, my first baby fair! Well, it is about time to buy stuff since we're like 8 months along! :) How time flies right?

The night of the 26th (Friday) I checked out reviews of the fair just to see what it's like and found some very very unfriendly comments about it like too many credit card sales booths there and that there wasn't a very all-encompassing merchant mix unlike some other fairs.....But since we had already planned to go on Sat morning with MIL for guidance and advice and the nanny for brute strength! hahahahha - we were going to go anyway - we had to already anyway since we didn't have anything for the baby yet except for clothes. Also, going with managed expectations is always a goood thing!

So we were there 'bright and early' (my fault and even so, I didn't get to eat breakfast!!!!) about 10.45am, I told Ju Han to park at Car Park G so it's closer to the convention centre, we had the nanny and the trolley bag and off we went!

There was a lot of people there and (strange) there was another 'fair' being held next to the baby fair - a fair for Gents! Hahahahha - yeah, the entrance said 'Gents'! A Gentleman's fair what with stuff like cars and girls and all that I think....didn't really pay attention. We had to line up for the Goodie Bag - we took 4 since we had 4 people....and it was full of stuff like Appeton and some milk/cereal food for baby.....

Then off we went into Hall 1 of 2. Ju Han decided to take off like 5 minutes into our scope out quickly all the merchants that were there. The first thing we bought was MamyPoko S sized diapers - 2 boxes for RM20 each - a good deal right? I am going to use lampins (prefolds) and cloth diapers but never hurts to have disposables as well eh, and they were cheap.....but ok, we bought 2 boxes and had to line up for it for some time and they didn't fit into the trolley bag - made me kinda think, ummmm....did I do the wrong thing bringing a trolley bag? But of course not - we made full use of it later! Hahhahha.....

Then cos the line for that was quite long, Ju Han called and said he was alreayd in Hall 2 and there wasn't much in Hall 1....So MIL and I and the nanny didn't really meander around Hall 1. We arrived next at Autumz and I bought some nursing bras. Yikes - so many people and 1 trying room....not very good....also I wanted to buy a black colour bra but she asked me to come back again cos they were too busy to dig my size out....Hmmmmm....first time I've ever heard that - of course I didn't go back again - well, I did, to buy a Cloth Diaper to get 50% on BabyOrganix but then too lazy to ask them about my black bra size.....So, I bought like 3 nursing bras and 2 sleep bras (Bamboo) - would have liked the padded bra in black but...well....that cost me a fair bit though of course it was below the pricing on the Net and all that....Like RM100 over....

Then walked down that row -saw Avent...but Ju Han said more stuff in Hall 2 so we met up in Hall 2....I did see Credit Card Sales People but they didn't bother me too much - maybe cos I've got the 'hand and face - No Thank You' look down pat. Hahahhaha. Firm but polite.

So next thing we did buy some Bebe Disposable Breast Pads and Lampin with Free Pins - the wet wipes were fragranced - lots of people telling me 'all also got fragrance one' and I was like yeah, of course you say that, yours has it and you KNOW that's not a selling point! hahahahahhaha Anyway, I saw later in Jusco that Pureen Giraffe is fragrance and alcohol free......So, on with the fair, I bought some more mittens and booties - the mittens and booties were like really no discount at all RM4.90 each set...Then yeay, we went to Sweet Cherry and bought the Play Pen! Yeay! RM249 - seems like a good deal cos it looked nice and felt sturdy - the dismantling of it seems rather complicated but this other woman said it seems more hardy and stable compared to some other ones which she saw were easier to construct/deconstruct......later I found out she bought one unit too.....So we bought the play pen in brown (the one on display was black - cool looking- but I guess we take brown for baby boylah right?) and it came with a free foam mattress, a changing station and I guess (oh my god I don't know!!!) different stages for sleep/play......

We also looked at the strollers but didn't like any and also saw some Combi strollers but I hated the silly woman who was working there! Ju Han was very excited to show me the 4.3kg unit cos I can't really lift like 8kgs on my own.......and I asked the lady there where were these Combis made, she said it's a Japanese brand and I said, yeah but where were these MADE??? She hissed 'CHINA' at me with a look of pure irritation and hatred, and I immediately got turned off! If you can't be proud of your product, you wanna screw me into buying it? BITCH!

Then Ju Han and I had an argument about it cos I walked away and he wanted me to look at the other strollers and I was already so turned off by the woman......

We also stopped by Putto Peter Rabbit which sells premium (and they are very happy to admit this) diapers, baby bath, lotion and wash products from Korea. We bought the Clothes Wash set which came with bottle of Softener and free pack of Wet Wipes for RM39.90. We liked the Baby Bath and all that too but it was just tooooo expensive! Then I got to participate in a Lucky Draw - sachets of cream, some with Gold Dust meaning you win a RM39 pack of 2 Baby Bath/Shampoo and Lotion. And me, not having ever won any Lucky Draw in my life - with no big expectaions, with no quick prayer to God, purely by the luck of Baby Boy, drew the one with Gold Dust! YEAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

After that we went for lunchlah since we could only collect our play pen at 2-3pm.....So we had some Sushi King - aiyo, one food preparer just coughing coughing away in the middle of the entire restaurant. So when my Soft Shell Crab handroll came prepared by him, Ju Han ate it - we decided it wasn't a good idea for me to even try to eat it! hahahhhaha - He was wearing 2 layers of face mask though and all this, the day after I hear on the radio that H1N1 is back! But really though, nothing like this would happen in a First World Country right? And customers wouldn't stand for it too! But we all just sat there eating....One thing is the food at Sushi King just is uninspiring lah....So much food on the belt and in the menu but somehow......We only went there cos the Food Court was overwhelming.....

Following luch, a quick round again in the baby fair, we picked up some cloth diapers from Luntatots - I think these people are getting a bit big for their boots - their CDs were like RM40 bucks on average - Autumnz ones are only RM28! But I didn't like the Autumnz ones designs so much - I then meandered over to BabyOrganix and was going to buy their Head to Toe Cleanser and Bottle Wash cos Buy 1 Free 1.....Then I saw a sign that said 50% off with purchase of Autumnz CD - so I hurried on back to buy 1 lah since only RM28 and I needed them anyway.....when I came back, I found out there was a miscommunication! IT was only 50% off on the Clothes Wash! I had already bought the other Clothes Wash from Peter Rabbit so was quite upset cos the sales girl very excitedly concurred with me about the 50% but didn't mention (or I didn't hear) that it was a limited offer....Luckily the boss was there and she tried to make things better by giving me 50% on whatever items I we bought a big bottle of Bottle Wash and a big bottle of Body Wash.....Ju Han is a bit concerned that it's made in Malaysia even though the proprieter claims the ingredients are from we'll use first and seelah....I am glad she made the effort to give me the discount though.....which is what ALL people should note when they try to do sales! Don't upset the customer! Cos you never know when she's going to blog about it! Hahahhahahaha

Oh yeah, we also bought a Little Bean baby monitor - RM249.90 instead of RM299.90 and we got 2 pieces of Cold Gel Packs for free....hmmmmm.....Tested out the baby monitor today, seems quite ok - clear sound, good melodies though when the parent unit plays melodies, you can't hear anything from the kid unit anymore....Also, the little night light is a bit ummmm....little....The units are very small.....hope they work well!

After all that, we went down to Jusco and bought some more stuff like talcum powder, bathtub etc......hahahah - ironic! Baby fair didn't have these things and we had to buy from downstairs!

Then on Sunday we went over to Babies Kingdom in Kota Damansara and bought a cot with bedding and latex mattres 3 inches and latex pillow small for RM859 - good deal I delivery but no assembly.

So all in all, we bought quite a lot of stuff- spent 2.2k buying play pen, cot and bedding, cloth diapers, the pink/blue waterproof mat for the cot (the one with the puffed up little squares remember???), lampin, disposable nappy liners, disposable bra pads, baby monitor (which plays 3 melodies for baby so cool!!!), pampers, nursing bras, bath tub, powder, clothes wash, baby wash, bottle wash, wet wipes, nappy rash wet wipes, 2 swaddle the baby stuff is being washed, my nursing bras too....mum bought me 4 sarongs for the cot....

We still need to buy breast pump, stroller (which can wait), nappy rash cream, nipple cream, milk storage bags, baby's dresser and sofa bed from my plans are all on the way.....I have called in the Recycle guys to collect some of the rubbish from the baby room coming tomorrow (Tuesday) and I will call the cupboard maker to come do final measurements at the house cos we need to build a new cupboard in the hall to function as the new 'storeroom' and then Wed we will go to Ikea and get the rest of the stuff. I also bought my final 2 pairs of pajamas from Giant! hehahahahha so it's easier to breasfeed and keep me warmer with the long now I have 4 pairs should be able to recycle throughout the week.....ummm...let's see, I also bought cotton wool squares (facial squares) for the cleaning of baby bum......heeeeehheheee - operation baby buys is well on its way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vagaries of the Third Trimester

I cannot sleep well anymore! For the past 1-2 weeks, I have had wake-ups during the night and then not being able to get back to sleep until like, 3 hours later - resulting in me only getting approximately 2-4 hours sleep a night! No position is comfortable and the baby isn't moving that much anymore which gets me a bit worried sometimes cos I don't know if he's just not moving or cos he's getting too big to move.....

So, have been feeling the drain of the third trimester now - tired and sleepy as opposed to the gung ho excitedness of the second trimester. Yesterday, the very thought of driving to work made me so lethargic, so I ended up staying at home.....

Also am leaking urine hahahhahah - sometimes I just C.A.N.N.O.T get to the toilet in time!

Plus I think I have some hormonal blackness around my neck - I's not veryvery obvious (that's what I think anyway) but I think it's there.....but the line down my tummy is very very obvious.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shrink Your Hips post Delivery

Ooooh - has ShrinkxHips for RM211.50! Shrinks your hips after delivery. Cool eh?

Check this out though for user reviews.

OK I know I keep promoting, no they are not paying me anything - I just think their prices are better than the rest. :) IF I AM WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!!!! hahahahahhahaa

New Friends of Baby Boy

Ya - no posts for some time and then a flurry of them huh! :)

Here are some friends of Baby Boy's.

(L - R with back row first: Senor Amore, Awie Awana, Moo Moo, Rabitto, Bally)

Rabitto and Bally are new  - from Ikea! So cute and colourful. Rabitto is a rattle!

First Gifts from FRIENDS!!!!!

Sookie has donated to me some of her maternity clothing cos I really didn't want to buy so many new pieces and now our first other gifts from friends have arrived via van! :)  I got my Breastflow!!!!!! :) I was almost leaning towards Avent in the end, even though I really really dislike the look of it just cos Avent breast pumps can only be used with Avent bottles - but now am so happy I got my Breastflow set!!!!!!!!!! :)


This one is a yellow top, bottom, bonnet, mittens and booties set - anyone who knows me well, knows I love Pooh and this set coming in yellow is just perfect cos that's the other colour I have for baby boy besides white and blue!!!! There are some frills on the clothing and definitely frills on the bonnet though - hhehehehehehehhe.

30w Photo

18 weeks

22 weeks

26 weeks


30 weeks

The pants above are one half of my pajama set bought at Giant to aid breast-feeding. Mum says my hips will get larger after delivery! Hehehehhe - these fit just right now....And they are FREE SIZE!

31w and 3 days - amniotic fluid dropped

We had another check up today - the doc said my amniotic fluid has dropped - the last check being 3 weeks ago saw me with 27cm of fluid and now it's like 21cm. So I had a Proluton shot to encourage placental function and will need to go back in 1 week's time to check and see if there is further reduction.

I really hope and pray everything goes well and baby boy is healthy. He is now 1.8kg and I have a colleague whose 32 week baby is 2kgs - hopefully, by the time I go and check at 32 weeks, he will be a good weight too. Strange I guess since baby boy has always been ahead of the curve - perhaps (touch wood) I've been 'boasting' about it too much?

He is still active and well inside me - definitely feeling the 10 movements a day that we should have.

Please pray. Thanks!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Baby Boy is 30w + 4 days!

Can you believe how fast it's flown by?? He's going to be 8 months soon! HEheheheheheh and when I first got to know him, he was 5 weeks old!

There is a Baby Fair at Mid Valley 26-28 Nov so we're going to have do our shopping then - the list is endless I think......cos we haven't actually bought anything yet! Yeah, mum keeps nagging at me but I do have baby clothes and mittens and booties and hats and towels and hankies all sorted out! So we need some big ticket items like the cot and bedding, stroller, play pen, room furniture (that's from Ikea), liquid wash for baby's clothes and baby himself (my cousin who has experience with babies recommened Lactacyd and also Cetaphil - for when the baby already has rashes - apparently alot of babies nowadays developed skin conditions due to the scents or whatever in lots of babies products - including some very famousssssss brands!), bath tub, milk bottles (especially for water feeding), baby monitor, baby carrier, wet wipes, cotton wool, ear buds, blah blah blah loving the First Years baby carry basket idea, what else?....probably get the cloth diapers too.

JH will probably tell me to just get the big ticket items cos the small ones won't be much different in price and can be bought anywhere - how come guys always think like that?

Apparently Lactacyd Baby Items are very popular in the Philippines - don't remember having seen it here! I also read reviews where mums loved the Earth Mama Angel Baby brand which is super expensive I think. But it's supposed to do wonders for everything from diaper rash to mama's zits!

I definitely want to breast feed and have been looking up milk pumpers but also read that not EVERY MUM needs a milk pumper - I will definitely have to get one though for when I go back to work - although better to buy it then to save on warranty time. Avent seems to get good reviews while Medela seems to suck - hmmmmmmm...I mean suck in a bad way.......from user reviews on the Net so.....

Mum also reminded yesterday that I need to pack a bag for the hospital already. And FIL asked me where we will 'check in' for delivery and which floor to go to and all that at the hospital - which is a FANTASTIC question in deedi - o!!!! Will have to check that out - we've gone on a tour of the hospital but that was ages ago.......

I should also look at registering for pre natal classes huh! Maybe or Jenlia apparently quite good too - I will need the one where they teach me how to breathe and how/when to push.....Mamalink's 6 class course is RM600 with RM20 for registration (WOW!) AND! she also does Home Visits at RM200 (DOUBLE WOW!)

The Jenlia one apparently costs RM310 - their website doesn't seem to work very well for me so I think I have to call themlah - now is perfect time for me to attend....hope they aren't full.

(Wah, the more I read, the more afraid I get)

And I won't get to go on holiday before going back to work cos Ju Han already said he's full up till March 2011.

Still cannot eat properly from a Gum Infection

(written 12 Nov) It is imperative that mothers-to-be get their dental conditions in order! Go for a dental check up if you’re planning to get pregnant. Go for another check up in your 2nd trimester and make sure that in the meantime, you brush twice daily, carefully and thoroughly so that you don’t get gingivitis or periodontitis which could start off labour early! It’s no joke!

Flossing daily is also recommended.

I hope my gum infection clears up soon. this website will give you quite a nice lot and organised composition of information about gum infection - I've probably searched 100 websites and I like what this one told me and how it told me things about gum infection.
(Update 14 Nov) My gum infection, after finishing the enzyme and all that, has not cleared up - there doesn't seem to be much difference, the pain when chewing is the same and if anything, the raw area on my gum near my wisdom tooth seems to have developed a white pocket - am liable to think it IS heatiness cos this is how ulcers appear to be right? I've never had an ulcer in my just guessing here. The gums are still rather swollen from my own eye examination cos I can see and feel the gumline almost right up to the surface of my teeth.
Sigh, more porridge but MIL has been great in trying to add variety to my daily dinner. Also, since I can't eat any fruits and vegetables, she's processing juice for me - the first day it was oranges, apples and banana and the second it was green apple, celery and something (since I wasn't getting my veges!!!!!) and last night, she thought up kiwi and a juice we usually have (Berry Blast which is a juice of 5 fruits and vegetables) and I added in a mashed banana. Hehehheheehhe.
I went to White Zone Dental in PJ New Town (State) for my checkup and non-resolution - not sure if my strain is especially virulent or the dentist just didn't identify/resolve the correct problem. But I have a prior appointment set up with another dentist near work for Tuesday so if it's still not healed by then, I shall have a go at the other dentist - at this stage, I'm like - just lance the damn thing and let me get on with life - I'm missing out on so much fooodddddd  - and you know you just want to eat it all when you can't right?! Double Sigh!
Yesterday for lunch I had Mushroom Soup and Garlic Bread (soaked of course) at the Western Food counter at Food Republic at Pavilion Mall. They charged me RM4.90 for the soup which was tastelesss fat - it's a good thing I had the Garlic Bread otherwise I would have been tempted to just leave the whole damn thing! YIKES!


(written 12 Nov) I really love filo pastry! It’s so crunchy and flaky and yummy!

Yesterday I went to the dentist and she told me I have a gum infection – so I have to brush my teeth really well – especially at the back (where apparently a little plaque had set up home) cos pregnancy elevates the hormone levels in the body which in turn, makes the gums more sensitive to ENEMIES!

So, a couple of days of enzyme and gargling with salt water – no antibiotics cos of baby boy and I hope to be good as new. In the mean time, I am losing weight – hahahahhaha – cannot eat anything except soup and porridge cos the moment food enters my mouth – I’m like, “AARRGHGGHGHH!!! PAIN!!!!” So!

Last night I had porridge with fish mashed in. This afternoon, for lunch I had mushroom soup with soaked croissant…..(AHA! Now you know why I started my post with the filo pastry comment)…..Tonight supposed to be porridge again but with chicken and eggs. Sigh, so sad….I want to eat rojak.

And hubby not around some more – in India – so I am prevailing all by my lonesome…..heheheheheh…..

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halford Cosmo DX Stroller only RM359 at Without the baby carrier - which I don't think I need!

Will go check this one out at a store on Sat and see if it feels gooooddd....


Aissshhh! I've developed a low grade toothache in the lower right region of my teeth. Difficult peering in a magnifying mirror has revealed a darker spot in the middle of the tooth - which could either be a cavity or shadow from plaque....hehehehahhaha.....

It's been there since late Monday evening, mum thinks I'm heaty and yeah my gums on that side have swelled up a bit and are tender to the touch; MIL meanwhile thinks I've developed dental caries (TOUCH WOOD!) from lack of calcium during pregnancy. I only drink like a glass of milk a day with no calcium supplements so gotta ask my doc about that......apparently pregnant women need 1200-1500mg of calcium a day.....One glass is like 250-300mg....sigh....

I REALLY hope it's not a cavity cos I don't want a single filling to mar the look of my teeth. I'm going to be really upset if it is and I've developed it due to a lack of calcium. Baby boy just turned 29 weeks and apparently babies start their guzzling of calcium from the 3rd trimester onwards - takkan so fast the calcium deficiency has taken effect????? And it's not like I was a complete milk virgin before! I drink milk!

Last night I told my dad that I had a toothache and he was really surprised cos yeah, the last time I had a toothache - I sat up crying through the night, with my mum accompanying me and my little night lamp (you know the one where the inner light creates shadows from the outer layer that revolves????) Yeah - I was like below 10 probably! Every visit to the dentist after I got my permanent teeth in has been just routine cleaning with nothing extraordinary - I seem to have very strong teeth - til now..........that's why I'm inclined to think it is heatiness - though I exhibit no other symptoms - like constipation or pimples or sore throat or whatever......AIYA! With a CAPITAL A!!!!!!!