Sunday, May 29, 2011

Julian's First Solids

Yeay! Time has really flown and my baby's almost 6 months and eating his solids! We started him on a Minolac Step 1 (4 months and above) sample which we got at a baby fair. It tastes quite good and Daddy finished what Julian couldn't. He took about 2 spoonfuls worth I guess.....but alot of it ended up on tissues.

Fil said Julian did very good though - not much wastage, lots of enjoyment and smiling and big doe-eyed looks of wonder at this group of 8 adults watching him while he learns how to eat! Hahahahah - we got a video and had lots of celebratory shouts of 'Yeay' and applause!

Julian's first solids! On 28 May 2011 at 7pm.

I love you Babe.
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Tony the Tiger, Eat Your Heart Out!

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Happy Mother's Day 8 May 2010

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Re: Oh my god, I have ben up half the night watching Julian's diaper. At his midnight change he still hadn't peed since seven in the evening following his feed at six. And just now after his feed at nearly 3am, his diaper still felt dry. After resear

the internet where everyone recommended setting a doctor for non-peeing babies, I decided to conduct a thorough check.Thank God there IS pee!

Ever since I decided to wait for hunger signals before feeding, I've been I'm a state of worry cos the little fella doesn't seem to display alot of signs! The longest he went was 8 hours without a feed, where I couldn't take it anymore and fed him. He gulped at the why no signals?

I also recently decided to change his disposable diaper every 6 hours max so it's healthier...lo and behold, our little friend, who's not ever really had nappy rash, starts a little something. We started some cloth diapers at the same time so I'm not sure which is the problem.

Aiyo maybe this change of behaviour on my part is more headache than it's worth!

Like the Chinese say, I causemy own problems!

On 27 May 2011 03:51, "Errolyn Tan" <> wrote:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Necessary Time Out After Baby Comes 2

It's not easy to do without an understanding helpful partner tho, so make sure daddy understands what happens with new mummies  or else it's just all that harder.Daddies will never understand or be able to relate to what we go through on their own.

So what do I want....a massage, answers to what to do every time my baby cries, a cheat sheet to how to teach and guide him to being a GOOD person and lots of money ha ha. Actually empathy and support and a new mums group in my area.

On 22 May 2011 18:35, "Errolyn Tan" <> wrote:

I have reached that point now where I know I need some time to myself and to not feel too guilty about taking time for myself. And it seems I'm not alone.

Check this out for how mothers stay sane.

Necessary Time Out After Baby Comes

I have reached that point now where I know I need some time to myself and to not feel too guilty about taking time for myself. And it seems I'm not alone.

Check this out for how mothers stay sane.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This morning as I woke up with a start and reached over to shut off my 6.15am alarm, I had a terrible feeling of being trapped. Trapped because I knew I had to get up soon and go to work, trapped because I was still tired and sleepy, trapped because I didn’t know when the next feeding would be and when it would end.

But it was a momentary lapse in the whole experience of being a mom. Actually I shouldn’t call it a lapse because the feelings of being trapped, or being unhappy, or feeling like your whole life has been turned around and you don’t think it will ever come back again – that is all a part of being a parent and even more, a mother. Every mother feels this, secretly or not, I believe. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I have been really exhausted with Julian before, but this is my first time of feeling trapped.

I would love to just take a break, go back to the way I was, the way we were, take a holiday, think only of myself, sleep through the night, spend hours at a mall without missing a baby or feeling guilty about leaving him alone at home when I could be helping him develop. I would love it, but then I would never give up having a child. At the end of the holiday, or after the second I feel lost or tired, I thank God I have Julian in my life. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Moments in Time @ 4 months

Ooooh! I love sitting up!!!

With Auntie Janice and Grandma Christine

I Want What I Want and I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

Finally I meet you Great Grandma Penang!

Being cute pays the bills!

With Grand Auntie Kim and Grand Uncle Lee

Grandpa David! Holding me in the same pose he held mummy 35 years ago!!!

Caught! With Winnie!

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What a difference a Laugh Makes!

Today is the Labour Day May 1 holiday - it's a Monday and I am home alone with my son. He's past 4 months old now and a regular little firespark. He smiles, babbles, laughs and throws tantrums like there's no tomorrow. He seems to have quite a temper - I guess I can't really expect any different knowing myself and his father :) Last night, he was asleep when the thunder rolled and he woke up howling - not cos he was afraid but he was adamantly angry that the thunder had disrupted his sleep! He kicked up a big old fuss - I was out to dinner but that's what Mother In Law reported. By the time I got back, he had been placated, pleaded with, pacified, fed and rocked to an uneasy sleep - all of which resulted in failure except for sleep.

But then lo and behold, when I look over him and smile, he opens his eyes and smiles back! Everyone is astonished by the change in behaviour - yes, this is how children behave with their mothers and somehow, it makes it all worth it.

I feel I have been remiss at capturing some of Julian's moments. We don't own a video camera but have been taking some pictures on camera and on phone. And I do keep a diary of how he progresses.....but time flies so fast and he changes almost instantaneously. I'm not even home during the work day to see what he does!

Now it seems, he loves being lifted up into the air by his armpits - he laughs so cheekily and with such abandon - I WILL have to take a picture of it. Also, one week ago, I discovered he also enjoys being sucked (with loud noises, mind you) in the crook of his neck......When you turn him around, his mouth is open in a big O of silent merriment! Only this morning, he had awakened and was talking to himself for quite some time - what sounded like perhaps 2-3 sentences.....I was sitting up in bed, just listening to him when his dad asks, "Did you hear that??" from under the blanket. I did indeed and I would pay anything to hear it again. So today, he is in a talkative mood - babbling away to the TV, to me and to his fingers..... :)

He's getting a big big for his baby bath already so I've gotta look at the next step and also gotta start preparing the safety gate and think about where he can learn to crawl now....The biggest thing I worry about is the dog and dog hair downstairs.....and also the fact that his maternal grandparents don't see him all that frequently. I really wish for them to have a close loving relationship...

My friend just asked me via email today, how is my life, aside from Julian....I don't know how to respond - my life aside from Julian? Sounds tacky but there isn't much aside from Julian; or at least I feel that way - there's work - which is going well since I am now working on a new product and have more avenues and opportunities to show creativity and a supportive boss who allows me to take risks and teaches me lessons.....there is gym - where I'm trying to be disciplined and go 3 times a week, I would love to go and try out a group exercise class, and am finishing up on my introductory personal training classes - how do I tell my personal trainer that I am not going to spend another RM4k on lessons with him???, there is singing - which is great once a week though my biggest hurdle is getting over the mindset that I'm not good cos that's holding me back even while my vocal teacher keeps telling me every week that I have the talent, and most importantly, there is family - my husband, my parents, my sister, my parents in law and of course Julian falls into this category - I mean, Julian isn't a category in and of himself - hehehehheeeeee.....So, of course, I don't have as much time as before with hubby and of course I don't have as much mall time and weekend easy peasy let's just go activities and of course, I don't go back home to Penang as much anymore.....because yes, it's true - the little one DOES take up a lot of time and alot of EFFORT - make no mistake. But when I tell you it's worth it, it's worth it.

No other mother will be able to explain what that means 'It's worth it!', and I can't myself cos language has not yet created a word or even words deep enough or broad enough to encompass and convey the emotions you feel.

Daddy is also feeling it now, I can tell - his most telling sentence - 'It feels good to know I'm coming home to wife and child'.