A couple of days ago, I bought 2 baby bath towels of Little Coro - a Pigeon brand from Parkson Pavilion for RM24.90. When I went to pay, yeay! There was a 10% discount!
Today, I was in Parkson KLCC and aghast that the towels I had bought just 2 days before were priced at RM17!!!! I called the sales girl over and asked her what the *!&((&^)% was going on???? She said, oh yeah, the normal price is RM24.90 but they were having some sales. Upon further prodding, I discovered it wasn't a KLCC sale - it was a PIGEON sale but the prices were still different from mall to mall because apparently, "sale dulu dekat KLCC, kemudian Pavilion, ataupun mereka belum tukar harga!" (The sale is on first at KLCC, then it will start at Pavilion; or that the sales people just haven't changed the price yet!)
OK, so I don't understand this sales tactic. I want to write to Pigeon. I want them to EXPLAIN to me what the *&^%%!( is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it Pigeon, or Parkson or Pavilion/KLCC?????? :(
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pigeon Brand runs STRANGE sales!
Posted by Errolyn at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Advertisement: SUCKER WANTED!
My cousin who works in paediatrics advised that after the baby has finished feeding/suckling - the breast ought to feel much lighter as it is now devoid of milk. If not, then it is imperative that the 'leftover' milk is pumped out. Otherwise, the mum runs the risk of engorgement of the breast which is hard and painful.
She then advised that the best help could come from our very own husbands - their job would be to suck out the remaining milk. When I told Ju Han about this, he pooh-poohed me and accused me of making the whole story up just to check if he was listening. So, since Ju Han does not seem to demonstrate any inclination towards helping out with the sucking - I am now resorting to advertising for Suckers!
So, SUCKERS wanted! Only good-looking men need apply. And please note, there will be no monetary payment involved.
Thank you.
Posted by Errolyn at 10:04 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Movie Marathon
Spread over two days! Oklah, 2 movies in 2 days does not make a marathon but I thought it sounded catchy.
Yesterday we watched 'Altitude' which was supposed to be some sort of horror plane ride in the skies.....Ju Han and I had such a good time clapping the movie at the end and laughing through it. Yeah, you can tell it's bad when people are laughing through a horror movie - it's not as bad as a Korean horror flick I've watched before and nowhere near as laughable as 'Jangan Pandang Belakang' which terrorised movie-goers a couple of years ago....but ....still bad!
Ju Han kept hoping it would take a turn for the better butttttt......the short answer is nope, it didn't! I won't give away the plot and the 'twist' but the only thing good about it was the Megan Fox look-a-like lead actress and I must say the acting was pretty good. Other than that, it's RM11 a pop for some laughs!
Why did we clap then I hear you ask? Well,....it was so bad, it was funny! HHahahhahahahah
Then today, in order to redeem for yesterday's bad experience, we watched 'RED' - Retired, Extremely Dangerous. A whole cast of big names - Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, John Malkovich and Morgan Freeman - retired CIA wet team members - wet team as in they commit all the bloody, gory, squishy acts for the CIA I presume. Good show - with humour thrown in and action and love....This is probably also the first show I've actually seen Bruce Willis laugh in. (Precisely what I whispered to Ju Han when it happened).
Good one!
Posted by Errolyn at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Only BABY Talk?????
Yeah, I realise that all I've been writing about is baby stuff.....shall try to put in more everyday marriage stuff ok. But so far, everything (touch wood) is fine. We're humming along and it's nice and smiley and laughy and cuddly and kissy. HAhahhahahahhaha......
The only thing I would like to improve on is our relations with friends (AHA! Tell me what 'relations' you were thinking about????!!!!)
We don't seem to spend much time with friends. We've been married since Mar 09 and it's like 1.5 years now but I think we're still in the honeymoon stage. Furthermore, we don't really make plans for the weekend so ..... difficult to tie people in. I asked Ju Han whether he wanted to have some friends over this weekend for a game of Risk but he figured he'd be working so would rather rest......We're quite quite different from my brother and sister in law. They are very sociable beings and always on the move with friends - dinners, barbeques, outings, parties......but Ju Han and I just aren't like that. Though we DON'T want to end up old and without friends!!! Which could very well happen right? And I also don't want to end up with just married couple/married with baby friends. So boring. Need to have a good mish mash eh and then we can keep our toes in every pie. AIyo, sounds greedy and ambitious but I think it's just not in our make-up.
I enjoy my time alone and I do enjoy being with friends too but not that huge party group thingy. I prefer more intimate settings where people can talk and really get to know what's going on. It doesn't help that all my close friends are so far flung and my KL friends have very busy lives of their own.
Well, we just make do eh? I don't think there is a right or wrong - But I would infinitely prefer to prefer time with my husband over time with my friends/parties. Right? RIGHT????
Posted by Errolyn at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Tao Organic Cotton
Ooooh - yesterday I was at Parkson One Utama and, after refurbishment, they've expanded their baby section. I really really liked this brand Tao - all items made from Organic Cotton. I bought a hat and pair of mittens and booties for baby boy. Couldn't find any clothes to buy for him - Ju Han would have loved to buy sets....but they were all rompers and I think it's difficult to gauge how big the baby will be when he arrives and how fast he'll grow out of the rompers.....furthermore, I've bought a romper already and MIL has bought two so the rest we're getting separates - easier. So no TAO clothes for baby boy.
The towels are really nice but only face and longer (like hand towel) - no bath towel otherwise I would have bought that cos most brands I've felt are really rough!!!!!
But I am digressing, the best thing of all is the BEDDING!!!!!! Yum!!!!!! But a 3 piece TAO cot bedding (inclusive of fitted sheet, baby blanket and side padding) costs RM499.90!!!!!!!!! Yowzers!!!!!! But the padding is really padded unlike ALL others I've felt and the cotton is so soft. But way tooo expensive man! However, for those of you who have the cash to burn - feel free to go ahead and knock yourself out! Beware though, those who like colourful stuff - TAO colours are all beige-y, brown-y, green-y, in line with the environmentally friendly theme.
Posted by Errolyn at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
87 days to GO??????
Ok, my baby ticker says there are 87 days to go to my big day. Are you sure - I think it's wrong! 87 days?????????? WHAT THE??? WHERE DID TIME GO?????? How can I be only 87 days away??? That's not even a 3 digit number???!!!!!!!
P.S. Saw a Halford Cosmo DX Travel System Stroller Set today - hmmmm....looks quite nice and light. RM599 online....can't really find user reviews about it. My friends keep asking me about strollers now - I don't know yetttttttttttt - what's good what's not????????????????? ARRGGHGHHHH!!! I guess this is practise for how to advise your children when they're actually out in the world already huh? HOW DO I TEACH THEM TO BE GOOD/CONSIDERATE/KIND??????
Posted by Errolyn at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 15, 2010
Half way there at 26.5 weeks
Here's another comparison time-lapse picture for you. Wow, even comparing it myself, I can how much I've grown! My innie is becoming an outie and I've gained like 1 kg in a week!!! A WEEK!!! How am I going to stay within the 13-15kg range of healthy weight gain during pregnancy??? I'm not even eating all that much - I worked out that what I do have extra to pre-pregnancy is breakfast, and maybe a tea break - I eat the same amount at dinner and maybe a little larger of a portion at lunch. So how can I be gaining so much weight!!!!!!!! I'm like at 9kgs gained already!
But!!! Let's forget the depressing news and move on to what's JOYOUS!
18 weeks |
22 weeks |
26 weeks |
I think I look really pretty here - my fave pic!!! |
Face shape at 22 weeks |
Face shape at 26.5 weeks |
Posted by Errolyn at 9:27 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
26 weeks around the corner!
Last Sat we had another checkup for baby boy. He's now 6.5 months old and weighing almost 1kg, the little bugger! :) I am so happy he is growing well and even though everyone says my baby bump is big - I think it's just the right beautiful size! :)
He makes me happy - I never really believed it when mothers said their children bring them so much joy and change their lives. This little one isn't even out in the world yet and every little kick or movement of his still makes me wonder smile. I spend a lot of time touching him and when he kicks, I pat him in response. Simple pleasures of life. Ju Han too is becoming even more fatherly, I love watching him being tender with 'da bump! Hahahahahhaha.....
I have also started exercising again - since the treadmill is not realllllllly my thing, I've resorted to dancing around the room - to a certain extent and also started marching when in the shower. Heck, if I'm going to be like 10 minutes in there or washing my hair for 20 mins, I might as well be making good use of the time eh? I also do some half squats when brushing my teeth in the morning and night. Tone up my thigh and legs muscles and hopefully get keep the 'chicken skin' to a minimum! The way it is now is scaryyyy!
My innie belly button is not quite an outie yet but probably will be one by the next one month!
This morning I woke up early - sick of getting to work late after being stuck in the traffic with every other lazy person out there! hahahah . So I did my toilette, did my marches in the shower, dressed in some new clothes, even had time for a cornflake breakfast (I prefer Kellog's cornflakes by the way), read some of The Star, and drove early to work, got here like in 35-40 minutes, got some nice parking and even had time to put in some blog posts. VERY COOL!
Posted by Errolyn at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
Not Being Able to Cut My Toenails
I forgot to record that I have not been able to cut my toenails since, ummm... I think before 20 weeks pregnancy.....so just to let you know! :) Last week I went to the nail salon and had them done - in bright cheery Tweety Bird yellow! :)
Posted by Errolyn at 9:00 PM 0 comments
25 weeks!
Today I went back to work after 2 weeks off (hurrah!!!) and EVERYONE said I was big! Some even said I looked like I was going to pop tomorrow! What? I don't think I'm that big am I?????
I did also weigh myself today and have gained 9 kg which yeah - is a bit much I know and I had only gained 5 kgs at 22 weeks so the last 3 weeks have obviously been gastronomic!!!! Also, I stopped exercising the last 3 weeks so maybe.....I do note that I have been eating more normally - But I guess eating normal portions per meal, 5 times a day puts it away huh!
At first the ideal weight gain target of 13kgs looked possible but now....hmmmmm.....doc did say I have a lotttt of amniotic fluid though so maybe that's adding to the weight plus baby boy is growing well - hope he continues the positive trend. I really want to lose the weight after birthing though so let's see how breastfeeding and a gym membership work out.
Wish me Luck! :)
Oooh, btw, baby boy started moving around alot around the 23 week and he lovessssss dancing to music. Hope he takes after me in his dance moves! hAhahahahahahhahaah
Posted by Errolyn at 8:29 PM 0 comments