SIEN! I need RM900 to custom make my own shoe cabinet....but buying a ready made one is only RM200....Both would not be able to hold all my shoes much less the rest of the family's......Sigh.....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Life as a Married Lady
So, we've been married since March 2009 and it's been a good 9 months!!! (Yikes, I just counted it out on my fingers!)
I can't believe it - no wonder people can be married for 5 years and suddenly be shocked! And of course, on the other side of the spectrum, there are people who have been married 5 years and are shocked that they haven't killed their spouse! hehehehehehe
My mum just told me last month that even though we've been married 'so long', she still keeps telling people 6 months until one day her hairstylist corrected her and said - hello!!!! wakey wakey! 8 months already-lah!
It's not all been smooth sailing especially in the beginning - we had a couple of fights.....the strange thing is that we didn't have fights over differences in habits/living styles.....I didn't have to complain about him not picking up his clothes or anything though there was a period of learning to put the toilet seat down! hehehehehe
So in a sense, it's been very placid on the lake of habits.....what DID we fight about then? Gosh, I can't really remember....I think for us, fights usually crop up when I'm in a bad mood and get cranky at him, and he doesn't have the patience for me and gets cranky right back. Which makes me think, HELLO!!!! You are supposed to be nice to me. When I got calmed down, I would sit and talk with him and tell him that my idea for good issue resolution (oklah, I didn't use those words!) would be that if I get upset, he needs to stay calm, and when he gets upset, I need to stay calm. Cos we are both very temperamental people and moody my mum used to say that I would wake up on the wrong side of bed in the morning and god help anyone who came near me.
So, that was one thing we had to get used to and he the other thing was about the way we showed our love for each other. We weren't used to seeing the little ways cos the techniques we had were abit different. Like I would nag and he would see that as....well....nagging and not taht I love him to want things to be better. And so we had a talk about giving the partner what he/she needs and not what you think they want/need.
But as time went on, we grew to be more patient with each other, the love is stronger than ever and yes, what people say is true - it does take work - as in it takes the effort and commitment you know you want to put into the marriage because it means something to you. Like when you're upset at him too and want to shout back or NAG NAG NAG but you know it won't be something he likes, and you take the time to calm down and speak with him respectfully and lovingly and try to make him understand your perspective. And the partner needs to want to try to understand (at the very least) and attempt to internalise the change required if it is indeed, what they both decide would be good for them as a couple. So it takes wanting to be mature, wanting to see the other person's value system and requirements for a happy fulfilling life and being supportive.
We've been neglecting our friends alot and we know this.....but we seem to still be in that stage where we're honeymooning and we want to be with each other? We try to rectify this sorry situation (the neglecting friends I mean) but so far....not yetlah....Sigh, how do people find the time? Yeah, I know life isn't all about work but when it keeps creeping over.....what to do? How do we stop it? The next bonus/increment is based on that wor!
But I do know I don't want to live to the end of my life and look back and see that work was the majority of it! I want to spend time with my husband, spend time with my family, travel with them or just read beside them even without speaking - it's enough cos at least we're together.
It's enough when we're together.
Posted by Errolyn at 8:18 AM 0 comments
A New Addition to the Family
...and no it's not a baby! My bro-in-law got married and now a new sister in law is living in the house. She's been in the picture longer than me but I don't really know her yet. They have been dating for a few years and only now got married while I upped and did the 100-meter dash! hehehahhahaha
Anyway, since bro-in-law is away on business, SIL is staying here. She seems nice of the little I know of her....she was more quiet before the wedding but now, maybe with officially being in the family, she knows she can get closer without getting hurt or weird later on.....You when you know you have to do something or live with something (not that I'm saying this is a bad thing though the phrases I'm using usually are associated with bad occurences) then you just buckle down and do it?
She's a nice girl and I hope I can get to know her better and love her like my BIL and PIL do.
Welcome to the Family, Girl!
(OOooh, I wonder if either her or her husband reads this blog......)
Posted by Errolyn at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Please do not write or use my email anymore - it is not me anymore. Apologies for any inconvenince caused.
Posted by Errolyn at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Beijing was our 'home' for 7 days 6 nights facilitated by Air Asia X and its Go Holiday package. I tell you, as Air Asia gets bigger and bigger, I thank them for the opportunities they give to wee people like me to travel the world but I would also pray fervently that they get their customer service improved. Any time I have contact with Air Asia personnel, I inevitably end up feeling like I've gone through a wringer - try calling their hotline! I tried 1300-88-9933 at 8.10am (10 mins after they supposedly open) but this must be an old number cos I didn't get ANYBODY! So I had to get on the net and trawl around for their call number which is something I can't remember now…..Then after waiting for ages, I was told that I have to call another number for queries about their Go Holiday packages - apparently it's a different arm. And mind you, the call agents at Air Asia are always unfriendly and brusque when I call them. So remember this number 03-8775 4141 for Go Holiday packages - strangely though, I got someone friendly for a change.
LCCT taxi - very efficient and effective and cost friendly is 03- 9223 8080.
So anyway, going away was fun. We had an 8.30am flight and woke up at 4.30am all ready to jet off. Both of us were excited about going to see several wonders of the world and I was most definitely anxious to start shopping even though I was warned by several veteran Beijing visitors that there isn't much to buy. I was very looking forward to buying the classic strand of pearls from the famous Pearl Market……
Our flight was taking off from the new wing of the LCCT and needless to say, we were delayed a little bit - an hour - I am sure Air Asia times these things - just ensure the delay is not any longer than the 'meal voucher and penalty payment' period dictates.
No issue, we arrived in Tianjin and got on the the blue logo bus waiting just outside the arrivals door for the RMB10/person trip to the very cool train station where we'd catch the HIGH SPEED BULLET train to Beijing. That cost us RMB58/person, 1.5hrs of waiting and 1hr travel time. The speed peaks at 330km/h. It was the easiest way to get to Beijing in a hurry so it was also packed!
Arriving at Beijing South Railway station, just go straight towards the taxi stand to join the long long line. It's a good thing the taxis are numerous and almost non-stop so the line moved extremely fast! We had booked our room at a 5 star (local/International???) hotel that was quite new so we had a bit of a challenge telling taxis where it was. But one very very sweet Beijing girl called the hotel and gave directions to the driver. Actually Beijing public is very very friendly, very helpful and we even had one girl (from Guilin though), who left the bus stop where she was waiting for a friend, to take us somewhere!
The taxi drivers ALL use the meter except some waiting at the airport and train station randomly. Also one terrible guy who quoted us RMB60 for a trip from the Hong Qiao Pearl Market (near the Temple of Heaven) to take us to somewhere in Wang Fu Jing…..Btw, if you are at the Pearl Market near sunset when they close (7pm), be aware and wary of the many women with bundled children who will approach you for 'donations'!!! They are relentless and quite scary. We didn't see many other beggars besides one more fat guy at the Great Wall of China who looked more drunk than hungry….Many people though were trying to make ends meet by collecting the plastic bottles of drinks everyone seems to buy. For recycling - one email calls them 'The Garbage People' but there was one we saw at Xidan who was pushing along her father or her husband in a wheelchair, who looked perfectly happy! She was smiling away and chatting with him….so - money ISN'T everything!
Anyway, I digress. Too many things to write so I shall outline the highs and ummmm…mediums of our trip!
Eating exotic creatures at Wang Fu Jing Xiao Che Street (Small Eats Street) - we had scorpion, cicada, llama meat, sea snake, sea horse and JH had a bite of WORM!! I just couldn't bring myself to try the worm cos its head was there and its eyes and its stubby almost not there legs. PLUS, JH said it smelled, but that would've been the least of my problems!!!
Hollyear Hotel, Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District or the Bai Huan He Yi DaJiuDian - most of them can't speak English but the service was very good and the rooms were great and it was very very close to the Shuang Jing subway stop, a 24hr McDonalds as well as shopping malls!
Climbing the Great Wall of China - what to say? What do I NEED to say? We climbed up but took the cable car down. We spent about 2-3 hours up there, slowly climbing.
Metered taxis and their willingness to go wherever you want.
The helpful public in Beijing - besides most of the police and soldiers who probably are too elite for us to talk to.
Seeing Chairman Mao Tse Tung's embalmed body in the People's Hall in Tian'anmen Square.
The wind at the rocks of the Little Island at the Summer Palace.
Doorless toilets - I thought I'd seen the last of these in Chengdu and Tibet but no!!! I saw one set at a SHOPPING MALL!!! The Gong Mei Da Sha shopping place which our hotel recommended us (in Wang Fu Jing) but it was just full of touristy stuff. The top floors are like outlet malls with discounted brand clothes, bags and shoes but nothing to my fancy! Pitty.
The Olympic Bird's Nest and Water Cube!!!! The wind there when you walk from the Subway Station (get off at the Olympic Green stop) - there are loads of people flying long long kites which vendors sell for 20RMB I think….
Xidan Shopping Centre is a more affordable shopping place for 'bargain' hunters. Especially visit the section (there seems to be 2 wings - a better one and a more Sungai Wang type) with the Snack section on the Ground Floor. BECAUSE the top floors are all clothes, shoes and bags, accessories……AHHHHHH!!!! We were abit short on cash due to a terrible cashier at the Lao Shi Teahouse (you'll read more of that later) so I didn't buy anything…..besides the fact that I was kinda tired and didn't really see much that I had to have.
The Face/Mask Changing portion of the Cultural Show at the Lao Shi Teahouse. The Teahouse is extremely famous in Beijing cos that's the one all the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Premiers visit. The show is supposed to be superb but I had watched one of almost equal quality in ChengDu for 1/3 the price.
The Quanjude Peking Duck restaurant. In Wang Fu Jing, it's located at a very weird side alley - don't know how people find it. We found it by accident even though we knew we wanted to go there since it was FAMOUS. A little after the Gong Mei Da Sha 5 storey shopping place when it's on your right, down a little side alley on your right and the restaurant is on your left. We found there is also one branch near the subway stop near our hotel (Shuang Jing!!!) Hahhahaha….. It's absolutely delicious and I don't even eat duck!!
The Imperial Park inside the Forbidden City.
Being with my husband 24x7….
The Forbidden City which just had long long wide wide expanses of concrete and bridges and tiny 'palace' buildings. You can't enter any of them!!! They're all blocked off at the doorways and all you can do is jostle and elbow your way to the front, peek into the doom and gloom and take a couple of obligatory photos and leave….No aura pervades, no awe inspiring architecture, no wondrous facets.
Hong Qiao Pearl Market - stacks upon stacks upon stacks of t-shirts, shoes, bags - none of which interested me. You can see the rather crude quality but besides that, the style was just not very pretty. I did buy an imitation Co@ch handbag at the Silk Market though (a different location!) for RM20. I think the sheer volume of stuff to sift through and bargain for just exhausted me before I even started!
The little waste baskets in the toilets that hold everything!!! (Check Chengdu and Tibet posts from a couple of years before!! Heheheh)
Hotel not providing Body Lotion and nowhere in Beijing selling it - finally found 1 generic brand at Watsons.
Squeaky bed!
Sky high prices - a normal blouse in expensive shopping malls cost RMB598 and RMB298 in cheap shopping malls! Really pretty foldable umbrellas that cost RM150!!!! (Please be careful to note when I use RM for Ringgit Malaysia and RMB for RenMinBi - the exchange rate at the moment being almost half).
Weird/different fashions that didn't appeal to me.
And finally!! The BIG CON! Almost the one and only CON. For those of you travelling to the Great Wall of China - NEGLECT READING THIS AT YOUR OWN PERIL!!!!!!!!!!!
We took a subway (Jishuitan stop) to the DeShengMen Long Distance Bus Station for our No. 919 bus to the Badaling Section of the Great Wall. (Btw, Badaling being the most restored but most advised against in the internet is mostly frequented by the Chinese while other areas like Mutianyu and etc. is visited by Mat Salleh - cos that's what the Lonely Planets and TripAdvisors say).
It was about a kilometer or less from the subway entrance to the bus station. We encountered 3!!! Read that 3!!!!!!!! Cons along the way!!!
First a good looking, well dressed man with a little red flag told us that there were no public buses going up to the wall as the was road construction going on, only his bus was going…..and we could partake in the pleasure and save our Beijing trip from being for naught by paying him RMB200 per person per way for it. A lot of 'let me tell you, do you understand' going on before we extricated ourselves and walked on a little further. This is at the first bus station looking place after the subway.
Another guy, with another little flag, seeing us walk away from the first one, tried to entice with the same story but a much lower price - only RMB50 per person per way using a taxi!!!! He tried to put us with another 3 tourists…..I was extremely suspicious cos I'd never read about any road construction going on in my research before coming and I realllllly didn't think the Government of China would stop tourists from going to one of their major sites just because of a little road construction!!!!!
We walked back a little bit and decided to ask the public! They told us, "Walk on further!!!! 500meters more. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE TOUTS! Ask people with the Department of Public Transportation uniform on. The bus still goes!"
And so we walk back - this time completely unharassed by the touts. We approach a couple of men with the official uniform on and this was the biggest disgrace of all! The man told us and another German couple that we were too late for the buses! A one way trip was 80km and it would be too late for us (at 11am) to go, visit and return. He sold us a potential solution, sharing a cab up and perpetuated a lie one of the touts had spouted earlier - that the touts were an arm of the business by the Govt. to get to the Great Wall. We translated this to the German couple, thinking we could at least believe a man in uniform. Sad to say, all we did was spread the lie. He hung around which raised my suspicions - he kept urging us to share a cab and finally, thinking that he must be getting a cut and therefore shaking his credibility as a reliable source of information, JH decided to just walk on down the road and postpone the Great Wall Walk to another day when we would get the fast train instead. Btw, research shows the fast train costs RMB17/person!
So we bid bye bye to the German couple and walked on further down the road. We stopped yet another No.919 bus to ask (JH being dissatisfied with previous nonchalant 'NO' answers by other bus drivers) and the kind man told us to walk on further to the actual bus station. And this is where we are gob-smacked!!! Just a little bit down the road, probably about the 500 metres the kind public had asked us to walk, was the Deshengmen Bus Station with the No. 919s sitting in a line awaiting customers! The next bus was scheduled to leave in 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!
We rushed forward, got on, paid our RMB12/person!!!!!!!! And settled in for the journey. The bus gets full up pretty fast but not a problem, they jalan every 0.5 hour and there are lots and lots of them! JH whispered the cons back along the main road and the bus driver just smiled knowingly if not resignedly.
SO when you want to visit the Great Wall of China with the bus - just get off the Jishuitan (Blue Line - No. 2 I think) and walk down the main road (no need to cross any roads!!!) until you reach a large fake/replication of a GREY STONE GATE (looks like the Ming Wen Gate). The bus station and the No. 919 is there! IGNORE EVERYONE along the way telling you there are no more buses or that you are too late or that the sky is falling down!!!!!!!!
Posted by Errolyn at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Who Wants To See Our Photos???
Weeee!!! The photos are ready!
Feel free to go into:
Select "Client Login"
Input username: juer09
With the password 0808
Hope you like them!!!!!!!!
Posted by Errolyn at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
LUCAS CHUA Photographer
by Errolyn
LUCAS CHUA - what can I say about this extraordinary young man. He was the best to work with during my entire wedding experience. He is friendly, helpful, nice, kind, a keen listener who then translates your wishes into reality and an extremely fast worker with great results! I think I really struck gold when I found him on the internet and engaged him.
Ju Han and I had our first meeting with Lucas when he came up to KL (he's based in Muar, Johor) in Starbucks where he showed us his portfolio. We loved some coloured sunset shots of his and his photos had a real life look to them rather than the model posed Photoshoped pics some photographers showcase. We wanted candid shots that served to capture the emotion and events of the day but we knew we also needed some posed shots to get everyone in on the game. I love artsy shots - you know, through the handle of the teapotlah, soft focus in front but catching the groom scrathing his nose….that sorta thing. I showed Lucas some shots I absolutely wanted and wah la - see for yourself - I've got them all here! I love his work but most of all, I love the fact that he was so easy to work with. Our first impression of him at Starbucks was not wrong - after we left the meeting, Ju Han and I spoke together and agreed that he seemed like a man we could work with easily. And that, in the end, is veryveryvery important when you are working with multiple types in a stressed environment.
I can't speak enough good things about Lucas - he is a very busy man - I've told him to update his website because apparently there are pics from 2 years ago!!!!! Wah Lah! I said I am sending people over via my link so he must make the effort. But he does a lot of commercial shooting too I think and so is very very busy. He was in Phuket for a 2 week shoot before my wedding and was exhausted but he followed us through from morning to night and was very friendly and unobtrusive. And now? Now he's gone off to Taman Negara!
Everyone loved the slideshow he made of the morning tea ceremony to show at the dinner - the pics were great and he put them together so beautifully to my FAVOURITE song in the world - The Colours Of My Love - by Celine Dion. It seems it's his fave song too!
Lucas, within the week, uploaded all our 500 over pictures to his website for us to choose our 200 to be printed and to display in the online gallery. One week after the wedding, we got our album and CDs and he even gave me a beautiful enlargement of one of my favourite shots! The man is sooo cute! Having read stories of people chasing their photographers for their once in a lifetime memories, we am indeed grateful to Buddha and the Goddess of Mercy and God (in no particular order) that Lucas came through with flying colours!
I am sure I haven't said everything I could say about Lucas but please - if you're looking for a nice man who takes good pictures - please call him! He's at 019-6666 079. No, he's not paying me for this either but the man said I had a very nice smile - what else can I do for him? Hehehheheheehe….maybe one day he'll use me as talent in one of his shoots! J
Oh ya, he even made the effort to come scope out the route to my house and the layout of my house to ensure everything went smoothly on D Day - how's that for commitment?
Thanks Lucas for your excellent work!

Posted by Errolyn at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Girl's Day Out
by Errolyn
I went to this little corner shop in Ikano to do my nails. We had a terribly hard time finding a place that could all 3 of us together (mum, sis and I) - but that was my fault too cos we went a little later than opening time when we could have SNATCHED UP all the technicians we needed!
So anyway, mum and sis went to do theirs in the Nail Saloon in The Curve and I crossed the road . They had simple mani pedis with sold colours while mum had an extra foot scrub and nail treatment. Salesman's dream I tell you!
I had a 3 tone sparkly manicure and solid purple with nail art on big toe pedicure. It cost me RM103 while sis and mum's cost RM200 over.
Jan and I also had a girl's day out at Chakras Spa in Damansara Heights. It was quite a nice place with 3 dedicated parking lots right in front of the condo. We were supposed to get a room for 3 but mum didn't come in the end. So we had a 1.5hour massage preceeeded by a 45 minute body scrub. The scrub cost RM100 and RM120/hour for the massage. We both chose chakra massages while Jan went for the marine salt scrub and I had the coffee and milk scrub. Very nice! Although the masseur doing me was a bit loud when talking and partook in some of the more common selling pushes….which I didn't like so much. It was quite nice an experience and the house was calm and relaxing though what I would really have loved is an outdoor spa! WAH!!!!!!!!
Posted by Errolyn at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Joan Woo Makeup Artist
by Errolyn
My make up artist, I've written about before - Joan Woo - she has recently set up her own Mutiply site so it should be quite easy to locate her. I loved my make up that morning and that night. She was also very helpful in the days leading up to the wedding - I made several changes to the order of my outfits and she was unfazed throughout, even sent me pics of possible hairstyles via email for me to choose from. She evern remembered that Ju Han doesn't like my hair all up - something I myself didn't remember!
In the end, I used Joan's recommendations for the morning and in the night I chose this simple curly hairstyle that incorporated the bridal house's tiara and for my evening gown - TA DA!!!!!!!!! I told Joan I wanted to use peacock feathers to match my dress. I thought I looked reallllllly good! Actually kinda like a showboat showgirl man! Please find pics below when I can put them in! J
Joan also did my mum's hair and makeup and my sister's hair and makeup for the night. I only wished she could have worked faster. Perhaps I should have listened more to her when she suggested the timeline schedule but I really didn't think hair and makeup would take that long so I cut it down to 1 hour for myself. That wasn't enough. I guess going forward, with even more experience Joan will be be able to cut down the time - my colleague told me that an expert MUA can get everything done in 45 mins!!! Of course quality is good toolah!
But other than the timing issue, I have no complaints about Joan - she is a friendly, helpful, very pleasant lady who does a good job! You can contact her at No she's not paying me for this but she did give me the cutest little chinese wedding dolls!
She advised me and comforted me when I got stressed, she was a good sport - even participated in the games to tease Ju Han when he came to get me in the morning!
Thanks Joan for a great job!

Joan and Us
Posted by Errolyn at 9:47 AM 0 comments
ISHQ The Restaurant
Now after all those pics, a little bit about my vendors!
The restaurant we had our dinner at was Ishq Restaurant at the Main Lobby of the Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel in Jalan Sultan Ismail, KL. Looking at it in its normal ala carte arrangement gives you a nice cosy feeling but it's nothing compared to when the place is made up to look gorgeous for a wedding! Ragesh the manager was effusive, happy and accomodating from the beginning to the end. We very easily negotiated a winning combo for both sides and nearer to the actual date, we met up a couple of times to finalise seating arrangements (table layout), flowers and tech equipment - that sorta thing you know. You never realise there are so many things to decide on until you are actually in the moment. So! For you new brides out there, how do you do it? You won't be able to think of everything yourself so just ensure that you either:
1. Try to think of as many as you can, with the help of friends, family and fiance (in that order! Hahahah - just joking) and decide the colours and height, arrangement, volume, quality etc. It helps if you have a picture in your head.
2. OR you can do what I did! Which is make decisions very quickly as and when they come up, bearing in mind all other decisions that have already been made. It also helps if you have good visualisation techniques or a good imagination.
For example, we picked the colour of the tablecloths, napkins, chair covers, table flowers, table names etc. the second way. I guess with me not being a Really Fussy bride, it helped. What's a Really Fussy Bride? The sort who buys postage stamps 1 year in advance to paste on the organic envelopes created with interlaced hydrangea petals that she will be sending out her 12karat gold bordered and texted invitations in. So. It Helps.
The fact that Ragesh and his team were very helpful and knowledgeable was a godsend. Some duties we had: try the food, choose the menu, set the price, choose the alcohol, test the projector, test the sound system, rehearse the grand total of 1 time our grand entrance down the curving grand staircase and realising that I need to be on the right of Ju Han so he won't block the whole world's view of me….and remembering to actually do that on the night itself! He helped us with room bookings, car parking, flowers, the dummy cake, even talent for the night if we wanted but which we didn't use!
All in all, it was a pleasant experience working with Ragesh and the Ishq Restaurant team. It was smooth sailing from start of negotiation to the end - payment of bill. Of course I don't have any experience of working on a wedding with other hotels.
The lighting was gorgeous, the flowers and deco was great, I loved the fact that there was a water feature in the middle of the restaurant and I absolutely loved the outdoor patio with its exposed roots and climber plans softly illuminated by up raised spotlights and listening to the gently trickling sounds of the tiny waterfall. It certainly made my dream of an intimate, cosy wedding come true! Oh yeah! The food was excellent too - though I think the Main Table didn't get to eat very much at all! I know I hardly took 2 bites! SIGH!
We had a total of 18 tables with 14 on the ground floor and 4 more (with their own buffet spread!) on the top floor. They can actually hold more on the ground floor but I wanted to clear some space for my first dance.
What was also good was the free flow of drinks and free use of projector and screens which some hotels charge for. But best of all was that the food was good and the ambiance perfect! They are open for lunch and dinner 7 days a week so go ahead and check them out! You can call them at 03-2144 3440 and no, they are not paying me for this! The prices are definitely affordable for a good meal in a nice restaurant.
Thanks Ragesh and Ishq for making it all happen!

Posted by Errolyn at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Boy's Side
I can't help but feel like I have to apologise for writing this post - I mean, after all, it is about the Boy's Side!!!! :) Well, there aren't any sides now!
So I think his hengtais arrived at 9am in stages after his briefing with them the night before. How Vey, David, Yen Yen, Yen Ping, Ann Gie, Kok Yoong - ooooh, a whole galut of them with their cars and I am sure they set about decorating the cars with the ribbons....At approximately 10.15am, Ju Han calls me to tell me they are going to leave soon so they can arrive before 11am at my house. I demur (is that the correct word???) cos I didn't want them to arrive Before 11am. I wanted them to arrive at 11am cos apparently 11am - 1pm was the GOOD TIME.
So, ok - they leave the house and arrive at my place at about a little past 11am. I was already ensconced in the room with mum and dad and could only try to eavesdrop. The jimuis outside had their fun and 1 1/2 hours later, we left for his house. Ju Sern, Ju Han's brother was driving the wedding car and lo and behold soon after we left the condo, we lost the whole convoy!!! Oh my goddddd!! Ju Sern kept reminding me to keep calm and Ju Han tried calling this one and that and got a bit frustrated with Digi for running out on us when we needed it the most! Hehehehehahaha - are you listening Sookie and Ai Queen!
Anyways, we all took our separate routes home and when we arrived, I was greeted (well, my car door was opened) by Ju Han's younger cousin - a reallly pretty girl by the name of Wey Ling. We went in and was greeted by the happy happy faces and smiles of the whole family. We quickly took a photo with the two grandmas and then settled down to taking a couple of family pictures too. Then the tea ceremony started and dad in law was really happy to receive the tea from Ju Han ('first time in 34 years', he said!). Then we served tea to the grandmas and the relatives by order of seniority. We also took some pictures with the heng tais and ji muis and then everyone set about eating the fine spread my mum in law and her sisters and relatives had pulled together. It was scrumptious!!!!
I didn't get to eat much at all cos I rushed upstairs to bathe and wash the product out of my hair for the evening do! The girls came up and mum in law came in to collect all the gold and angpows for safe keeping!!! Aiyo, it was one of the most rushed about time of the day. Madness and then suddenly, everyone had left and I hadn't seen ANYONE!!!!!!
The girls helped me gather stuff, as did Janice while Ju Han mingled downstairs and socialised. He came up to bathe a little while later and Ju Sern took the jimuis off to their hotel in town while Ju Han's Penang relatives readied themselves for the journey into town to the hotel.
When we were just about ready, mum calls and says they are already at the hotel but they can't find a booking under their name and when we check ours, they can't find ours as well!!!! OH.MY.GOD! We rifle through our papers and can't find anything while Ju Han tries to steady himself. He says if we get all flustered now, we are bound to forget stuff........
And forget stuff we did! The seating lists, the table layout, the enlargement picture of us to display at the front of the restaurant!!!!!!! EEEEKK!!!! Luckily Ai Queen, Ju Sern's girlfriend, and mum in law came through and got everything there on time!
We rushed off into town on our own while Ju Han's Pg relatives followed us in the car behind. There was a wee bit of a jam and Joan started make up on mum first. Even so, we were very behind on the makeup - Joan's results are fantabulous but the bride needs to either plan a lot of time for her or she will need to quicken her work. Mum in law in the end, didn't get to makeup (for which she was happy) but anyways, I would have preferred if everything had been more timely.
So that's where I will stop for the BOY'S SIDE! Look our for the next post on the Dinner and feedback on the Vendors!

Posted by Errolyn at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
The GIrl's Side
by Errolyn
Well, it's 2 days after the EVENT and I am still knackered! We only went to sleep at 4am on Saturday and woke up early to have breakfast with the family at the hotel. Then we rushed around a bit with a whole lot of drama happening - fetched my sis to the bus stop to catch the bus back to Singapore, discovered a leak in the petrol tank of my dad's Waja (which is now resolved) - worrying about that for half a day as we scrambled to find a workshop that was open on Sunday and/or Monday (Prophet's Mohd's Birthday). We then also rushed off to 1U to spend some time and have dinner with my closest dearest friends from school back in Penang - people who flew all the way from around the world to be with me - Szup from the UK, Melinda from China, Lisa from Australia and Thing May from good ole Penang!!!!
Not to mention Ju Han's aunt from America and his old friend all the way from New Zealand! It touches the heart doesn't it?
I am not sure what to say - so many things happened! We woke up bright and early in the Ms Tan household (I was up by 4.15am) and then my make up artist got lost so arrived just a wee bit later, my photographer arrived on time. He was so great - he came for a recce the night before just to ensure he knew the place and the layout of the home so he could plan his pictures. Then I started makeup and sis and mum and dad had a little bit of breakfast and got the food for the guests ready - of course I am guessing all this as I wasn't outside getting sweaty, I was inside getting beautiful.
My first outfit for the day was the traditional red Kwa or Qi Pao for the tea ceremony at my house for my family and then I changed into the white wedding gown to 'Chut Mun' (Go Out of Door - literal translation from Cantonese). Several times during the morning I was on the phone giving directions to people but they all arrived safely - my youngest aunt on my mum's side (so sweet of her - I had literally told her to wake up early and come!!!) She came in shorts and t-shirt and brought her cheongsams to change into!!! Then my uncle on my mum's side followed by my cousins and of course my friends too!!!!
We played a little game with Ju Han even though we had both agreed we weren't into that kind of thing - you know - the eat wasabi mixed with sambal and asam jawa.......but I did plan a little surprise. I wanted the guest to form a gauntlet of sorts that he had to work to get through. My friend Szup was the first and my sister Janice was the final frontier! He had to go through the line and give each of them a reason why he loved me or why he wanted to marry me. Of course I gave them a little lee-way, they could ask their own questions if they wanted toooooo - Lisa found out the hard way that this wasn't the best option to take!!! Hahahahahhahaa
Anyway, the door was wide open for him to stride through and we even have a video of how he got through successfully! I shall always remember this answer - 'I promise to give her oranges when she wanst oranges, and apples when she wants apples'. My sweetheart!
Chew was there filming the entire thing - he is such a good friend!!!!! He told me that undoubtedly I would be the most beautiful bride he's ever seen - well, perhaps with the exception of my sister!!! :)
So, we took a WHOLE lot of pictures!!!! When the groom and heng tais arrived, they had to run the gauntlet, and then when that was over, there was eating and drinking and resting before we commenced with the tea ceremony. Only 3 couples drank tea on my side which is really weird cos I am the traditional one - Ju Han's side had many many more couples!!!! I got gold and angpows as did Ju Han. When we were done with that, we had to give angpows to the kiddies - I gave sis a RM100 angpow so she can marry well and a Tiffany & Co. heart locket inscribed with 'Sister'.
After that, we dispensed angpows to all the ji muis who were invaluable! I really don't know what I would have done without my parents, my sister and my ji muis! They just all arrived the night before but they rose to the occasion - lucky me to have such accomplished capable people in my midst!
So there it is - the GIRL's SIDE. Following are some pics!!!!!! (ummmm.... my sis has them on her FaceBook - Janice Tan - I will get some to put in!)

Posted by Errolyn at 7:28 PM 0 comments