by Errolyn
Well, it's 2 days after the EVENT and I am still knackered! We only went to sleep at 4am on Saturday and woke up early to have breakfast with the family at the hotel. Then we rushed around a bit with a whole lot of drama happening - fetched my sis to the bus stop to catch the bus back to Singapore, discovered a leak in the petrol tank of my dad's Waja (which is now resolved) - worrying about that for half a day as we scrambled to find a workshop that was open on Sunday and/or Monday (Prophet's Mohd's Birthday). We then also rushed off to 1U to spend some time and have dinner with my closest dearest friends from school back in Penang - people who flew all the way from around the world to be with me - Szup from the UK, Melinda from China, Lisa from Australia and Thing May from good ole Penang!!!!
Not to mention Ju Han's aunt from America and his old friend all the way from New Zealand! It touches the heart doesn't it?
I am not sure what to say - so many things happened! We woke up bright and early in the Ms Tan household (I was up by 4.15am) and then my make up artist got lost so arrived just a wee bit later, my photographer arrived on time. He was so great - he came for a recce the night before just to ensure he knew the place and the layout of the home so he could plan his pictures. Then I started makeup and sis and mum and dad had a little bit of breakfast and got the food for the guests ready - of course I am guessing all this as I wasn't outside getting sweaty, I was inside getting beautiful.
My first outfit for the day was the traditional red Kwa or Qi Pao for the tea ceremony at my house for my family and then I changed into the white wedding gown to 'Chut Mun' (Go Out of Door - literal translation from Cantonese). Several times during the morning I was on the phone giving directions to people but they all arrived safely - my youngest aunt on my mum's side (so sweet of her - I had literally told her to wake up early and come!!!) She came in shorts and t-shirt and brought her cheongsams to change into!!! Then my uncle on my mum's side followed by my cousins and of course my friends too!!!!
We played a little game with Ju Han even though we had both agreed we weren't into that kind of thing - you know - the eat wasabi mixed with sambal and asam jawa.......but I did plan a little surprise. I wanted the guest to form a gauntlet of sorts that he had to work to get through. My friend Szup was the first and my sister Janice was the final frontier! He had to go through the line and give each of them a reason why he loved me or why he wanted to marry me. Of course I gave them a little lee-way, they could ask their own questions if they wanted toooooo - Lisa found out the hard way that this wasn't the best option to take!!! Hahahahahhahaa
Anyway, the door was wide open for him to stride through and we even have a video of how he got through successfully! I shall always remember this answer - 'I promise to give her oranges when she wanst oranges, and apples when she wants apples'. My sweetheart!
Chew was there filming the entire thing - he is such a good friend!!!!! He told me that undoubtedly I would be the most beautiful bride he's ever seen - well, perhaps with the exception of my sister!!! :)
So, we took a WHOLE lot of pictures!!!! When the groom and heng tais arrived, they had to run the gauntlet, and then when that was over, there was eating and drinking and resting before we commenced with the tea ceremony. Only 3 couples drank tea on my side which is really weird cos I am the traditional one - Ju Han's side had many many more couples!!!! I got gold and angpows as did Ju Han. When we were done with that, we had to give angpows to the kiddies - I gave sis a RM100 angpow so she can marry well and a Tiffany & Co. heart locket inscribed with 'Sister'.
After that, we dispensed angpows to all the ji muis who were invaluable! I really don't know what I would have done without my parents, my sister and my ji muis! They just all arrived the night before but they rose to the occasion - lucky me to have such accomplished capable people in my midst!
So there it is - the GIRL's SIDE. Following are some pics!!!!!! (ummmm.... my sis has them on her FaceBook - Janice Tan - I will get some to put in!)

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