Sunday, March 20, 2011
The First Years True Fit Convertible Car Seat
He was smiling just before the shutter clicked! PROMISE! |
Full Frontal |
Ok, this one is just to show off my babe! :) |

Posted by Errolyn at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 18, 2011
Controlled Crying
Yeah, that's what we've been practicing but it kinda fizzled out before the end of the first week. I usually feed him, then rock and sing to him abit until I see that he is sleepy and then just put him in his cot. The times when he's not sleepy and fusses I pick him up - well, if he isn't sleepy, he isn't sleepy right? Especially when the days have been raining and he's sleeping the whole of the day.
I can't bear to see him cry even though it did get easier as time went on but yeah, this is my time to bond with him and for him to realise and know that I love him and will always be there for him - how can I leave him to cry for hours when that is what is staring me in the face?
As with anything else, I guess phases will end....and I was pretty much doing Controlled Crying to teach him, not to fall asleep himself, which he can do, but for him to realise and learn that people can't carry him ALL the time. Yeah, Julian doesn't like being left alone. But then I read that premature babies are usually more fussy and more demanding and that the extra cuddling etc helps mold a balanced, confident human being so I am SOLD! :)
I just want him to be happy, know that he is loved, balanced, healthy physically, mentally and spiritually and well-rounded. That is all - a Mother's Prayer.
Posted by Errolyn at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Back to Work!!!!
The best places to touch a baby are (in no particular order):
1. his butt
2. his elbow (I like pinching the little valley there)
3. his knuckles
4. his michelin arms
5. the back of his neck.
Wow! I can't believe 3 months have flown by, I am almost due to go back to work and I can't imagine it. Yesterday he spent the afternoon with the nanny while I watched 'Eat, Pray, Love' and when the movie ended, I couldn't wait to get back together with him. I missed him so much!
He started discovering his fist and mouth earlier this month and a couple of days ago, managed to get one thumb into his mouth! So exciting though Ju Han says it's a bad habit and apparently can damage the growth of his teeth but it is sooo cute when he tries to get his hand into his mouth....I have been leaving his hands and feet bare since he's been 2 months so that they can develop, he can explore them and also so he won't be so hot in the middle of our Malaysian have had to clip his nails every so often (and boy do they grow fast!!). Even so, today he played with his hands and scratched many red welts into one half of his face! I am thinking he is right handed.
So, anyway, we are off to my hometown soon - can't wait though Ju Han is worried about the long drive back. I am so excited to show him off and of course just to share him with the many people who were so generous and happy when he arrived! Hope he demonstrates his happy nature - he can smile and laugh responsively now.
We're off to the Motherhood Expo 2011 tomorrow to get a car seat...I am, well, We are, again, partial to the First Years brand since we have used them and found them great. Again, I state, I love their items cos I feel they were developed with a mother and child in mind. Everything has a function and aesthetically they look fine too. But basically, the most important thing is that the entire design is always made to facilitate the mother and child - and they're also kinda like Ikea - any little space/portion, if can be made to house an aid of use, will. The only thing I have of theirs that I think isn't necessary for me is the magnifying glass that comes with the nail clipper. I wasn't going to buy that one anyway - they have an ordinary one as well - but when the time came to buy, it seemed like the ordinary one was out of stock - I couldn't find one with a bloodhound!
The days have been raining so much here in the afternoon and we're kinda concerned with the radiation dust
particles coming down with the rain so I can't take Julian out in the evening anymore. I could take him out in the morning but we usually sleep in.
I'm in the midst of planning my back to work routine - like what time do I 'force' feed him before I hand him over to the nanny and I get ready for work. Then I'm off for 9-10 hours, hope to be back by half past six so I can spend some time with him before I zoom off to the gym....It's amazing and sad to think that in a 12 hour day, I only get to see my son a total of 4 hours on the days I go to the gym....sad that the most time I spend with anything is with a job! Priorities!
I also think that maternity leave should be 6 months long and up to the mother to choose when she wants to exercise it. This is cos the first 3 months (and I AM grateful for a 3 month long leave) the baby only sleeps and poos and eats....yes, there is bonding and should be lots of cuddling but the baby doesn't really recognise anybody yet except for the mum and dad and that too cos he's spent so much time listening to them and feeling them while in utero. So if it were me, I would take 1 month off immediately after birth to rest and recuperate, and then take off again at the 4th month when growth and development starts then 6th month when he learns how to sit up and play, maybe crawl and then 9th, 10th and 11th month when he's starting to walk and move around.
As it is I have to depend on the kindness of 'strangers' to educate and teach and play with my child when it's most important - Now I can understand why overseas, people take off the first or first couple of years to spend with their child. It's invaluable and more importantly, irreplacable.
Posted by Errolyn at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 11, 2011
Last night's sleep....
...went easy. He was out like a light following his bedtime routine of a feed and a song....Here's hoping it will always be like this!
But yesterday afternoon I had to let him cry a couple of times....heart wrenching still especially cos this one has the heart and will power of a tiger and he just.won't.back.down. He cries til his little arms are cold to the touch meaning he's expending all his oxygen on the wails.....but of course I keep track of it. Once, he cried for 35 minutes with me checking in on the 10th and 15th minute intervals and then later in the day, he cried for just 6 minutes, then stopped and I was going to go in and reward him with a cuddle when he started again.....he then proceeded to cry for 4 minutes and stopped.....Yeay.....
Posted by Errolyn at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Disciplining the Kid
Wow, tonight is when we start to train Julian to fall asleep on his own and to not always demand to be carried. It breaks my heart but we are implementing the Controlled Crying technique where we let him fret/cry for certain periods of time before going to reassure him that we are there but that he has to go to sleep. Then we leave - without picking him up. Oh my Heart! :(
Tonight we put him to bed following his bedtime routine at 10pm. He fretted by himself for approximately 10 mins then it escalated into crying full force by 10.15pm. We let him cry for 10 minutes then checked on him. We told him gently and firmly while patting him that it was bedtime and we love him. Then we left him again. He almost immediately stopped crying after that! But then it started up again for a little while before winding down and he fell asleep!
Then later in the night it started again and we waited 10 minutes again however, since it was about 2 hours since his last feed, we thought it best to feed him - after all, we are not trying to be cruel to the little tyke! Just some discipline but he needs to know we love him and will be there for him when it's necessary, not cos he demands it!
After the feed, we told him again it was bedtime, kissed him goodnight and put him down to bed. So far, so good.....he hasn't fallen asleep yet but my keyboard is rather loud......though we need to ensure he can sleep with some noise cos no situation/environment can be perfectly silent.
It's most definitely not easy - I had to leave the room the first round cos I can't bear to hear him cry and most assuredly, mothers!, steel yourself when you go in for reassurance - the little tiny face is almost too much to bear with little red swollen eyes and wet cheeks - lordy!
If your kid doesn't stop crying after the first ten minute check, you've gotta wait a little while longer like 12 or 15 minutes before the next check and keep lengthening the duration of letting him cry. Although like Ju Han stresses, we have to be aware that after some long crying periods, legitimate reasons for him to cry such as he is hungry or dirty or uncomfortable could arise, so to be aware of that and to check for that too.....
So, I pray that Julian learns this lesson quickly so we both don't have to cry so much! :)
Posted by Errolyn at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The days of yester....months
I can't believe it's almost 3 months now that Baby Boy Julian was born. He's changed so much and still changes from day to day. His vocabulary is increasing - he can now scream in addition to saying 'Geh'. Hhaahahhaha....
I spend a lot of time looking at him now (thanks to my employer for 3 months matenrity leave!) and have begun kissing him at every opportunity. Before, I was quite hesitant to handle him but now I do so with aplomb - switching arms and 'manhandling' him every so often and without much guilt.
He's started enjoying his bath times - no more screaming (touch wood) and depending on how we ease him into it, also more patience when he's playing the role of 'Naked Baby'. Oh no, if he reads this when he's older, he's going to be so embarrased! My sweetest cherub! :)
My mother in law today 'warned' me that time will fly so I'd best enjoy my youth, my beauty and my babe.....I know the philosophy but practising it is another thing altogether but I reckon Ju Han and I should sit down and have a list of what we can do everyday or every week that will make happy times for us. Becuase it's true, time will fly and there will be nought but old bones and now I'm online shopping for shoes - what could be better! :)
Posted by Errolyn at 11:20 PM 0 comments