The Motherhood Expo 2011 - Wow, talk about a small expo! Only 1 hall at MidValleylah. Nevertheless, I bought some stuff - BabyOrganix Top to Toe Cleanser Buy 3 Free 2 as well as visited Jusco downstairs for some much needed new clothes for Baby Julian - who would think 6 sets of baby clothes would cost almost RM100 with 10 and 20 percent discounts at that!!!
Then we rushed off to Shah Alam to get our The First Years True Fit Convertible Car Seat. It's so cool and yes, I got it from Since delivery was RM100 and upon checking the GPS in my phone where it told me the warehouse/showroom was only 25km away, we decided to drive on over to have a look before buying it. There was a display unit on show at the expo but it was the original True Fit whereas the one we bought is the latest in the line - after it won the 5Star award from America's National Highway Transportation Administration (NHTSA) for 'Ease of Use'. As they see it, if a car seat is easy to install and use, it is less likely to be installed and used incorrectly. It's a nice colour as well - the Urban Life.
We saw display units (apparently shops only get 1 unit a time) in Jaya Jusco (MidValley and Sunway Pyramid only) and Mom's Care and even at Mothercare so with the existing RM200 discount at LittleWhiz and it being a new unit, we felt we had to drive to Shah Alam lah. Only Jusco had the same RM200 discount from its original price of RM999. Everyone else only had a RM100 discount.
Will try to use it when we drive back home soon and see how it goes. So far, we've put Julian in it now for some time and he seems to enjoy it. It must be as comfortable as it claims to be. The seat is very deep as it is ready for newborns all the way to 12 years old or 65lbs. So now we push his butt into the deep hollow to make sure his spine is straight and he's sitting on his butt and not curled up like a C.
He was smiling just before the shutter clicked! PROMISE! |
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Ok, this one is just to show off my babe! :) |

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